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What will I do on the "Service" side?

If you elect to be on the "Service" side, you will be working with our leaders to assist in projects or simply sharing Jesus in the nearby community!


You may be painting, cleaning, or remodeling an individual home. You could be sorting food at a food bank OR distributing FREE meals.


You may even be a part of playing board games with the elderly at a nursing home.


While you will be gone during the day, you will still get to participate in the regular activities of the week with the "Worship Arts" students. You will eat together, have free time together, Worship together, and stay in the same area. (Male and female separate of course!)

What will I do on the "Worship Arts" side?


If you elect to be on the "Worship Arts" side of Alive, you will select 3 classes to attend each day. In these classes, you will learn how you can use the gifts God has given you to glorify Him. For example, maybe you have been playing a guitar for years, or maybe have never picked one up, you can learn anything from the basics of how to hold a guitar, to how to further your talents to be able to play for your Church or Youth Group Worship team. 


In these classes you will also learn something that you will have the option of "showcasing" at the end of the week!


Some of the options to select for your classes are:

- Guitar                            - Drama

- Bass                               - Dance

- Percussion                   - Voice

- Photography                - Videography

                             and more!!


Summer Camp

Our week of summer camp allows high school students to escape the stress and pressures of the world, gather together and focus on Jesus for a week! 


During this time, they are able to choose from two options:


  •  One option, (we call the Service track) the students will have the opportunity to do service projects in the community that take their faith to the next level by putting it into action and coming Alive.

  • The second option is choosing the Worship Arts track, which includes activities like singing, taking pictures, dance choreography, playing instruments, understanding sound and video, and many others.

When is it?

June 8-13, 2025


How much does it cost? 

Typically, the cost of camp is as follows:

$325 until April 8th

After April 8th - $375 

Canteen (aka snacks!) tickets can be purchased upon registration as well as additional money for the mission of the week!


How do I register?


Summer Camp

Choose a track!

Worship Arts or Community Service

'24/'25 Intern Applications Now Closed
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